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      Even when we finally retired for the night, the inevitable MissGryce was still my companion we had only a short end of candle in ourcandlestick, and I dreaded lest she should talk till it was allburnt out fortunately, however, the heavy supper she had eatenproduced a soporific effect she was already snoring before I hadfinished undressing.

      Hope in a child who has never known anything but despair is a sweet and touching thing. There was nothing in this wooden shoe. The stranger fumbled in his waistcoat, bent over and placed a louis d or in Cosette s shoe.

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      If their mother had known of this marauding, she would have punished the delinquents severely. Jean Valjean gruffly and grumblingly paid Marie Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother s back, and the children were not punished.

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      A little hamlet,whose roofs were blent with trees, straggled up the side of one ofthese hills the church of the district stood nearer Thornfield itsold tower top looked over a knoll between the house and gates.

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      Marius, said Gillenormand, you will set out for Vernon to morrow. Why said Marius. To see your father. Marius was seized with a trembling fit. He had thought of everything except this that he should one day be called upon to see his father.

      There was at Faverolles, not far from the Valjean thatched cottage, on the other side of the lane, a farmer s wife named Marie Claude the Valjean children, habitually famished, sometimes went to borrow from Marie Claude a pint of milk, in their mother s name, which they drank behind a hedge or in some alley corner, snatching the jug from each other so hastily that the little girls spilled it on their aprons and down their necks.

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